Below is a brief summary of all the changes to Windows 11 that were part of the "2022 Update" which was released on 20th September 2022, and the "Moment 1" and "Moment 2" updates which were released on October 18th 2022 and February 28th 2023.
You can now group pinned items into folders on the Start Menu.
You can also adjust the layout of the start menu to have more pinned items, more recommendations or an equal amount of space for both.
Task Manager has been redesigned with a new sidebar navigation that automatically collapses when you shrink the window. Common actions such as End Task and Run new task have been moved to the top of the interface.
File Explorer now has a tabbed interface, so just like a web browser you can now have multiple file explorers open under one window which is a lot tidier.
The new File Explorer also has an updated sidebar navigation that groups different areas of the files system e.g. local files / OneDrive etc.
The new Snap Layouts Bar which appears when you start to drag and reposition a window allows you to quickly and easily reposition a window in a preset location just by dragging it over the icon shown on the bar (as shown in the example images below), this is an enhanced version of the existing Snap Layout feature which was new to Windows 11.
Other improvements to Snap include the keyboard shortcuts, now if you press Win + Z to show the Snap layouts window they appear with numbers and you can press the numbers to quickly move the active window to the selected location.